Acronym | Stands For | Definition |
Assessment for Learning | An approach to teaching and learning that creates feedback which is then used to improve pupils’ performance. |
Assessing Pupil Progress | APP is a structured approach to in-school assessment which enables teachers to make judgements about their pupils’ attainment. |
Analyse School Performance | Replaces RAISE. Analyse School Performance is the DfE’s key system for reporting school performance data. |
British Dyslexia Association | The BDA is the voice of dyslexic people. They aim to influence government and other institutions to promote a dyslexia friendly society that enables dyslexic people of all ages to reach their full potential. |
Common Assessment Framework | The common assessment framework (CAF) is a standardised approach for the assessment of children and their families, to facilitate the early identification of additional needs and to promote a coordinated service response. |
Child(ren) in Need | Children in need are defined in law as children who are aged under 18 and:
· need local authority services to achieve or maintain a reasonable standard of health or development. · need local authority services to prevent significant or further harm to health or development. · are disabled. |
Child Protection | Child protection is the protection of children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. Child protection systems are a set of usually government-run services designed to protect children and young people who are underage and to encourage family stability. |
Continuing Professional Development | Training allocated to staff (inside or outside of school). Any activity that increases teachers’ knowledge or understanding, or effectiveness in schools. |
Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 | Now replaced by the Equality Act. |
The Department for Education | Responsible for education and children’s services in England. |
EA | Equality Act, 2010 | You’re disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. |
English as an Additional Language | Refers to children whose first language is not English, and may not speak English fluently or at all.
EBD | Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties | Children who display these problems may be placed on the Special Needs Register and given extra support. |
ELG | Early Learning Goal
At the end of the Reception Year, a child is expected to be achieving the ELG across the key areas of learning. |
Educational Psychologist | Educational psychology is concerned with children and young people in educational and early years settings. Educational psychologists tackle challenges such as learning difficulties, social and emotional problems, issues around disability as well as more complex developmental disorders. |
Education Welfare Officer | Education welfare officers ensure that children attend school and get the support they need. |
Early Years (Early Years Foundation Stage or Early Years Foundation Stage Programme)
The early years foundation stage sets standards for the learning, development and care of a child from birth to 5 years old. |
Early Years Pupil Premium | Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years pre-school settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3- and 4 year-olds including, but not restricted to, those adopted from care. |
FLO | Family Liaison Officer | Staff who seek to promote partnership between parents and teachers. The purpose of this partnership is to enhance pupils’ learning opportunities and to promote their retention in the education system. |
FKS | Foundation Key Stage | Nursery and Reception
FSM | Free School Meals | Students on FSM will have access to extra funding to support their learning activities inside and outside of the classroom |
Gifted and Talented | A term used to describe children who have the potential to develop significantly beyond what is expected for their age. ‘Gifted’ refers to a child who has abilities in one or more academic subjects, such as English or maths. ‘Talented’ refers to a child who has skills in a practical area such as music, sport or art. |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant | HLTAs work with teachers to support teaching, learning and pupil achievement, with an element of whole school responsibility. |
Information Communication Technology | Now known as Computing and covers both hardware and software elements. |
Individual Education Plan | A document that is reviewed termly by the SENCO, Class Teacher and Parents to identify specific targets for an SEND child. |
The inclusion of pupils with special needs within mainstream school.
IN-SErvice Training day | In service training for the staff as a whole. |
ISR | Individual School Range | This is the range of seven consecutive spine points on the Head’s salary scales, within which the Head if a school can be paid. |
LTJ | Learning Together Journals
Books sent home on a half termly basis with creative projects for parents and children to complete together. |
Key Stage 1 | Years 1 and 2 |
Key Stage 2 | Years 3 to 6 |
Local Authority | The local councils in England and Wales that are responsible for education within their jurisdiction. |
LAC | Looked after Children | Children who are in care or looked after by foster parents. LACs have the highest status for admissions and provisions in schools. |
Learning Support Assistant | They work closely with teachers and other staff involved in education. Level 1 LSAs have a general support role; whilst Level 2 LSAs have specific responsibilities which may include preparing and delivering learning programmes and providing support to individual pupils. |
MPS | Main Pay Scale
For Classroom teachers – Points M1 to M6 (see Threshold) |
Modern Foreign Language | Schools can decide which language to teach during KS1/KS2. |
MLD | Moderate Learning Difficulties | Students with MLDs receive extra assistance under the SEN provision. Students with MLD have attainments well below expected levels in all or most areas of the curriculum. Their needs will not be met by normal differentiation and the flexibilities of the National Curriculum. |
NFF | National Formula Funding | The method by which funds for school budgets are calculated, based mainly on the number of pupils in a school
National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers | A union to support those involved in Education. |
DC | Devolved Capital | Devolved formula capital is funding devolved to schools for use on capital schemes, and now some ICT expenditure, which should be used within 3 years of the date of allocation. |
National Professional Qualification for Head Teachers | A course allowing people to develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours that you need to be a high-performing Head Teacher. |
NVQ | National Vocational Qualification | Work related competence based qualifications at various levels from an initial GNVQ basic qualification through to NVQ Level 5 |
Newly Qualified Teacher | A teacher in their first year of qualified teaching. |
National Union of Teachers | A union to support those involved in Education. |
Ofsted | Office for Standards in Education | They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. |
Performance Management | PM is a process by which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to the school. |
PP | Pupil Premium
The pupil premium is additional funding to help schools close the attainment gap between children from low-income and other disadvantaged families and their peers. It was introduced in April 2011 to raise the attainment of 1.8 million disadvantaged pupils. |
PPA | Planning, Preparation and Assessment | The National Agreement on Workforce Reform sets out a guarantee of 10% of timetable time to be given to teachers for these tasks.
Reporting and Analysis for Improvement through School | RAISEonline closed on 31 July 2017. The new Analyse School Performance (ASP) replaces RAISEonline. |
SATs | Standard Assessment Tests
Compulsory tests sat by all pupils at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. The results of these tests contribute to how a school is judged. |
SDP | School Development Plan | A projection of what a school hopes to achieve within a prescribed time limit. |
SEF | Self-Evaluation Form | An online form which helps schools evaluate their own performance, used by Ofsted inspectors prior to an inspection to help identity where they might need to focus their efforts. |
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. |
SIP | School Improvement Partner | Provided by and purchased from the LA Single Status – This is an agreement which seeks to standardise conditions of service of all categories of staff employed in local government (with the exception of teachers). |
SDP | School Development Plan | Sets outline plans for 3 years and detailed plans for the forthcoming year. |
Senior Management/ Leadership Team | In our case: Mrs Redfern, Mrs Parker, Mrs Guest, Mrs Merrick, Mrs Butters, Mrs Dingley, Mr Albutt, Mrs Hyett and Mrs Millington. |
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar | Lessons taught in KS1 and KS2. There is a SPaG test in Year 6. |
EHCP | Education Health Care Plan (Historically known as a Statement of SEN) | The document that identifies all a child’s special educational needs, either within mainstream or a special school. |
Threshold | After Point M6 on the main pay scale, teachers then have to fulfil certain criteria to pass through the threshold to get to Upper Scale. | |
TLR | Teaching and Learning Responsibilities | Classroom teachers who take on extra responsibility could be awarded a TLR payment if they meet certain criteria. |
UPS | Upper Pay Scale
For teaching staff. Now runs from UPS1 to UPS3. |
Value Added | is a method of teacher evaluation that measures the teacher’s contribution in a given year by comparing the current test scores of their students to the scores of those same students in previous school years. |
The movement of funds between budget headings. |
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