
All posts by Admin User

Newsletter September 2015

We hope that you all had a super break and we are happy to welcome you back. Please see our latest Newsletter-14 Sept 15 (1)
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Staffing Update

At the end of term, we will be saying ‘goodbye’ to Miss Sam Purcell, who will be leaving us to go to University to become a teacher. Although we are all sad to be loosing Miss Purcell, we wish her 
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Leading Parent Partnership Award

On Friday 27th June, school was successful in achieving the Leading Parent Partnership Award! Massive thanks to Sam Bishop, Diane Reynolds, Laura Russell and Ray Mullett, who all came into school to meet with the Assessor. Mrs Bate, from the 
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Harvest Festival

On Thursday 23rd October, Year 4 will be hosting a Harvest Festival, at 9 am. Please come along and support our children. Thank you all!
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MacMillan Coffee Morning

Massive thank you for everyone who came to our MacMillan Coffee Morning, sent in donations and bought cakes, we raised a massive £281.44 for charity! Wow! Well done Whitgreave Parents & Carers!
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Non-Uniform Day for Cancer Research UK

We will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 24th October, to raise money for a very special charity, Cancer Research UK. Please send your son/daughter into school with a £1 donation for this charity. Thank you in advance, for 
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Important reminder – Health & Safety

Parents/Carers are reminded that the school’s car park is for staff only. It is against Health and Safety regulations for children to be on the school car park. All children and visitors must use the pedestrian access only, to the 
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Attendance! It keeps on rising…

Please remember that attendance is a major focus for us all at Whitgreave. We are currently running at 96.1%, which is FANTASTIC! Massive well done to you all! If your child is ill, please contact the School Office to inform 
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