Got a problem? Need some help or support? If so, then look no further than the Whitgreave Team…
We can offer the following support:-
- Emotional, financial or general parental support;
- Understanding, empathy, advice and a shoulder to cry on;
- Signposting to Outside Agencies;
- Help with filling in forms, housing issues, transfer forms;
- Medical assistance, support with visits and appointments;
- Advice regarding legal issues;
- Home visits;
- Walking Bus;
- Social interaction and inclusion;
- Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme);
- Educational Courses;
- Help with understanding letters and taking actions;
- Our weekly ‘Family Club’, which offers a welcoming environment, with approachable staff. It’s a chance to relax, spend some quality time with your children, have a cuppa and also, socialise with other parents/carers.